The Aftermath of Abusive Marriages: Knowing When Kids Need Help

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The Aftermath of Abusive Marriages: Knowing When Kids Need Help

It wasn't until I left my abusive spouse following 13 years of marriage that I realized how much emotional and psychological damage that environment did to my children. Unfortunately, I missed the signs of it for quite some time, so they didn't get the counseling they needed as soon as I would have liked. I didn't want to see that happen to anyone else if I could help it, so I created this site. The information here will help you to spot the signs of emotional and psychological problems due to abuse. My hope is that people can use this information to spot those trouble signs and get the help they need.


Investing in Yourself: The Benefits of an Adult ADHD Assessment

18 September 2024
 Categories: , Blog

As adults, we often prioritize our physical health by going to the doctor for annual check-ups or seeking medical attention when we're feeling unwell. However, what about our mental health? Specifically, have you ever considered investing in an assessment for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of investing in yourself by undergoing an adult ADHD assessment. Understanding ADHD: Before deciding to invest in an adult ADHD assessment, it's important to understand what ADHD is and how it can impact your life. Read More …

Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation: A Path To Recovery

9 August 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Alcohol addiction is a widespread issue that affects individuals and their loved ones across the globe. Overcoming alcohol addiction is a challenging journey that often requires professional help and support. Alcohol addiction rehabilitation programs are designed to provide individuals with the tools, resources, and guidance needed to achieve sobriety and lead a healthier, more fulfilling life. Detoxification: The First Step Towards Recovery Detoxification is the initial phase of alcohol addiction rehabilitation. Read More …

How to Set Boundaries With People in Your Life

27 June 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Establishing healthy boundaries is crucial for maintaining positive relationships and protecting one's well-being. However, setting boundaries can be challenging for many individuals who struggle with communication and assertiveness. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of setting boundaries with people and how seeking support from a counseling center can empower one to do so effectively.   Understanding Boundaries Boundaries are the limits a person sets for themselves in relationships to define what is acceptable and what is not. Read More …

Understanding the Healing Powers of Reiki

16 May 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Have you ever heard of Reiki healing but aren't sure what it entails? Or maybe you're curious about trying it out for yourself but want to learn more before diving in. Well, you've come to the right place! This article will explore the ins and outs of Reiki healing, from how it works to why it can be a powerful tool for promoting overall well-being. How Reiki Works At its core, Reiki is based on the belief that we all have an innate life force energy flowing through us. Read More …

The Impact of Family Counseling on Children’s Emotional Health

31 January 2024
 Categories: , Blog

Family is the foundation of a child's emotional development. The interactions, dynamics, and communication within the family unit greatly influence a child's emotional well-being. When challenges arise, or conflicts persist, family counseling can play a crucial role in addressing and improving the emotional health of children. In this blog post, we will explore the impact of family counseling on children's emotional health, highlighting the benefits and positive outcomes it can bring. Read More …